Hôtel Bellevue


See the photo gallery


  • Swimming-pool
  • Garden
  • Indoor swimming pool

Chalet-style hotel in Savoyard atmosphere, family rooms, suite. This beautiful 3-storey hotel with elevator offers warmth and comfort in a mountain setting.

  • Comfort
    • 140 cm bed
    • Shower
    • Private balcony
    • Mini-bar
    • Hair dryer
    • Baby bed
    • Baby chair
    • Family suite
    • Changing table
    • Bed 90 cm
    • Bed 160 cm
    • Television
    • Family bedroom
    • Bottle warmer
    • Cable/Satellite
    • Telephone
    • Separate toilet
    • Wi-fi
    • Baby equipment
    • Sound-proofed accommodation
    • Bath
    • No-smoking
    • Private WC
    • + 17
  • Services
    • Pets welcome
    • Breakfast
    • Booking
    • Wi-fi
    • Tourist brochures
  • Facilities
    • Private parking
    • Garden
    • Coach parking
    • Park
    • Car park
    • Sauna
    • Terrace
    • Bar
    • Private garage
    • Garage
    • Boules area
    • Swimming pool
    • Indoor swimming pool
    • Lift
    • Pool
    • Jacuzzi®
    • Shelter for bikes/mountain bikes
    • Ski locker
    • + 12

Accessible tourism

Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs, Lift (80 x 130 cm) and door >= 77 cm, Room reserved, Possibility of drop-off in front of the site, Reception staff sensitized to the reception of people with disabilities

Mobility impairment

Car park with a disabled parking space. 2 adapted rooms (one with grab bar in the bathroom) but with a balcony not accessible to wheelchairs. The breakfast room is wheelchair accessible. Swimming pool with disabled access from outside.

Visual impairment

Rooms and keys marked with Braille numbers. Phones with large-print keys. Adapted lift with Braille buttons and voice assistance.

Hearing impairment

Staff is aware of the importance of written exchanges and simplifying oral exchanges.

Mental impairment

Room numbers are indicated on the doors. Clear and simple signage.


From 08/05 to 15/09/2024, daily.

From 21/12/2024 to 16/03/2025, daily.


Double room: from 94.05 €
Family room: from 150.10 €
Suite: from 134.90 €
Breakfast: 13 €.

Groups: Free accompanying person and driver for every 20 paying persons.

Payment methods : Check, American Express, Bank/credit card, Cash, Travellers Cheque, Connect Travellers Cheque, Credit transfer
Evian’s pledge

Sustainable tourism

Local distribution channel: Local cheeses are proposed for breakfast (tomme de Savoie, reblochon, abondance).


  • Number of bedrooms 24
  • Number of single rooms 2
  • Number of single rooms 13
  • Number of family rooms 3
  • Number of adjoining rooms 6
  • Number of suites 6


415 route de Borée
74500 Thollon-les-Mémises

Languages spoken:

  • English,
  • Spanish,